I live in the...or one of the most beautiful places on earth. But alas, I am a nomad at heart. These are my adventures.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Politically Correct Holiday Greeting
I wanted to send some sort of holiday greeting to you, but it is so difficult in today's world to know exactly what to say without offending someone. So I met with my lawyer yesterday, and on his advice I wish to say the following:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practised with the most enjoyable traditions of religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2007, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make our country great (not to imply that it is necessarily greater than any other country) and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.
By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/him or others and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.
Disclaimer: No trees were harmed in the sending of this message; however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
In Venice, I saw the most wonderful nativity scenes on display. They were part of a contest. Different groups entered the scenes that they had created. Many, such as the one you see above were very elaborate. The nativity in this particular display has been set down in the middle of a very European looking village with castles and Swiss style chalets in the background.

Friday, December 22, 2006
Foreign Crooning

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Travel Update
Friday, December 01, 2006
Lutefisk - Culinary Catastrophe
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Winter Comfort Food

You have to understand that although I sometimes follow a recipe completely from start to finish, more often than not, I am a mad-scientist type of cook. Basically that means that I am big on experimentation and tend to use what I have on hand and what appeals to my taste. My cookbooks are mainly sources of inspiration, ideas and suggestions.

The end result was delicious, so I'll attempt to give you a run down on what was thrown in along with rough quantities, but I encourage you to experiment until you get the consistency and taste to your liking.
Squash soup
1/2 a medium sized orange squash peeled and cut in medium sized pieces
2 apples peeled and cored
2 potatoes peeled and cut in medium sized pieces
1 onion - big hunks
1 large thumb sized piece of ginger grated
cover with 1 to 2 litres of chicken broth (depending on how thick you like your soup) and simmer until all ingredients are tender.
Blend until smooth, reheat gently and serve.

I can't help but think that this would be delicious topped with some brie, but alas, I had none. Still, it was perfect for the type of weather that we've been having and I can't wait to finish it off for lunch today.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Autumn's Finale
Despite their beauty, I can't help but think how sorrowful the leaves look with the droplets of water. Perhaps it's just me suffering from melancholy at the realization that this will soon all be over and winter will be here.
This tree (sadly) is not in my yard, but I felt that I had to include it. It just seems so majestic and grand at this time of year.
On a more upbeat note, in honour of halloween, if any of you would like to see pictures of some creatively carved pumpkins, check out Scott Cummins' work at pumpkingutter.com
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Chai Tea
Chai is basically black tea brewed with spices and milk, although I usually make mine with soy milk and find it just as good, if not better. For the longest time I either bought the mixture or treated myself to chai lattes at various coffee shops. This was until my good friend Cheryl shared her relatively easy no fuss recipe. I was hooked. The added benefit, I could control the amount of sugar used or simply use honey instead. I have since experimented with adding in a few other spices. This is roughly what I've come up with:
4 C water
1 large piece of ginger peeled and sliced (vary this depending on how much heat you like)
sprinkle of cinnamon (or throw in a couple sticks)
8-10 whole cloves
10 cardamon pods crushed
Bring to boil and then simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and add about 6 or 7 tsp of black tea (or about 3 tea bags) and steep for 5 minutes.
Strain liquid and add 1 1/2 C of milk or soy milk and about 2 Tbsp (or more) of honey (or sugar) Reheat gently and serve.
If you feel adventuresome, you can try adding some peppercorns and / or star anise.
Ecological Footprint
As you can see from my test results, although I am below my national average, I still have a ways to go to contribute to the sustainability of this planet.
FOOD 1.5
So what am I going to do?
- Well, I've been thinking for quite some time about the 100 mile challenge. This is a challenge to only buy food products that have been produced within 100 miles of where you live. Not only does this cut down on the distance your food travels to get to your table, but has the added health benefit of better nutrition as your food is more likely to be vine ripened. For more on the 100 mile diet check out this website.
- I already compost and recycle absolutely everything, but where I probably fall short is I don't always remember to bring my cloth bags to the grocery store. I need to make more of an effort here.
- Now here is the big one...I need to free myself from junk mail and flyers. Can you imagine how many trees we would save if everyone refused flyers. With the internet these days, I figure I can check out the specials online, or have a quick look upon walking into the store. This would also greatly reduce the amount of paper I take to recycling each week.
I'm sure that there are a ton of other things that I can do...but one small step at a time. I challenge all of you to take this short quiz and decide what you can do to make our earth a better place. Good luck!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Things I Love about Nelson # 2 - Heritage Buildings

All the ground are in pretty much their original state, with the exception of a few trees that have unfortunately been removed in recent year. But I suppose on the plus side, it gives us a clearer view of the house that could very easily be the setting of any fairytale story.
From the moment you round the bend in the road and catch your first glimpse of the grounds, I am sure that Blaylock will capture your heart and fire your imagination as well.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Canadian Terrain
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Fall Photos

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Kootenay Lake

Down in the Kootenays,
Live a lot of Folkses
Some of them are human
And some are just jokses.
But all are very happy
In a quiet sort of way, --
Never very gloomy
And never very gay.
The climate is so temperate --
For Canada, you know --
It only get just cold enough
To put a coat of snow
Up upon the mountains,
Making them so white
And wonderful to look at,
On a moonlight night.

And then there comes the Spring,
When the birds begin to sing
And all the Kootenay poets
Make "sing" rhyme with "spring;"
But no one ever reads them
So it doesn't matter much
If they're written with a rhyme, at all
Or just in double Dutch.
But the Spring is quite delightful,
The water is so blue
One would have to be a Shakespeare
To paint it all for you;
When all the woods are washed
In a little April Shower
And all the mountains seem to get
Much greener every hour.

And then there comes the Summer
With its hot, dry, sun;
With its swimming, fishing, boating
And every kind of fun;
With everybody busy
The whole day long, --
Done nothing in particular
And that not long.
and after that, the Autumn--
Or as they say "The Fall"
Which aesthetic people claim
Is the best time of all;
With Nature running riot
In Brown, Red and Gold
And the trout cooking better,
For the water's getting cold.

And all through the year
There come the Kushanook,
The Nasookin and the Moyie
Into every little nook,
Wherever there's a settler
A Mine camp or town,
They call for freight and passengers
All up the lake and down.
Sometimes they will land you
Upon a solid wharf.
Somtimes upon the beach
They have to push you off.
But always quiet and courteous,
And always with a smile, --
Which makes it very pleasant
And a trip worth while.

That is why on our Lake,
Live a lot of Folkses,
Some of whom are human
And some are just Jokses.
But all are very happy,
In a quiet sort of way.
And after that, why after all,
There's nothing more to say.
Taken from Kootenay Kuts and Other Jingles --
A Small Collection of Rhymes and Reasonings of a Rambling Rancher
Pherewan Brown, 1929
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Indoor Use of DDT a Clean Bill of Health?
Now I'm sure that malaria is a horrible disease and I would hate to see it go unchecked, however, I must wonder what a "well managed programme" looks like and who is responsible for overseeing that the use of this chemical remains "well managed." I also wonder who is really behind the push for the increased use of DDT as there seem to just as many on the opposite side of the fence who claim that there are better alternatives that are just as efficient for controling malaria. On one website it was stated that Mexico, who committed to ending the use of DDT by 2007, has been so successful in the use of alternatives that its DDT manufacturing plant has ceased production owing to lack of demand. Further, Jorge Mendez, Mexico's director of their malaria control programme, declared that it is 25% cheaper for Mexico to use alternatives. The Pan American Health Organization even went so far as to express reservations about the effectiveness of broadscale application of DDT for malaria after one of its studies showed that in the late 1980's and early 90's, malaria rates went up in Brazil even as spraying of houses with DDT increased, but rates dropped after Brazil shifted to alternative control methods.
Despite the WHO claiming that indoor residual spraying programs pose no risk to wildlife or humans, it seems that researchers in both Mexico and South Africa have found that humans living in areas where spraying took place have raised concentrations of DDT and it was estimated that breastfed children in those areas were being dosed at levels exceeding those recommended by WHO. Despite the fact that not all the dangers of exposure to DDT have been proven, I need to wonder if we want to be part of this massive experiment until they are.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
How Does Your Garden Grow?

My roses are still blooming ferociously and probably will until the first frost (I hope). A lone poppy has made it's way into my autumn joy. I must be getting new poppies as my poppies were done long ago.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Things I Love about Nelson #1 : The French Bakery
Mohandas Gandhi

All the breads are as tasty as they smell. The wheat (or grains, depending on the bread) is freshly milled before being used. The bakery uses their own starter and has many alternatives for this health minded community. If you don't / can't eat wheat, you'll find breads made out of spelt or rye and occasionally they will have tartelettes with nut pastery. On different days of the week they offer specialty breads flavoured with various nuts, seeds, fruit, and of course...chocolat. For a quick inexpensive lunch, ask for a mini baguette with warmed brie and caraway seeds, or one of my favorites, a savory fougasse.
Bon appétit!!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Feature Fruit: The Plum

I was thrilled when browsing through some old cooking magazines to run across a recipe for Plum Clafoutis. I've only ever made clafoutis with cherries, but couldn't imagine why one couldn't substitute plums which seem to be so plentiful at this time of year. The concoction that I ended up making was a combination of the recipe I had found in the magazine and another one that I had made before with cherries. The one recipe had less sugar than the other and the other more eggs. So for a less artificially sweetened more custardy dessert, this is what I came up with.
about 6 fresh (tart) plums
1/2 C flour
1/4 C sugar
4 eggs
1 C milk
2 Tbsp melted butter
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Brush shallow pie plate with melted butter.
2. Pit the plums and cut into chunk size pieces, layering on the pie plate.
3. Sift the flour into a bowl, add the sugar. Gradually add the combined eggs, milk and butter, whisking until smooth and free of lumps.
4. Pour the batter over the plums and bake for 30-35 minutes. The batter should be risen and golden. Dust with icing sugar if desired and serve immediately.
Clafoutis is a classic French batter pudding, a specialty of the
Saturday, September 30, 2006
The most important thing when making antipasto is the recipe. There is just way too much prep and expense in ingredients to waste on a bad recipe. Lucky for us, years ago my Mom was given this particular recipe from an Italian neighbour. The end result is as good as any you might find in a fancy gourmet food store.
3 jars (32 oz) dill pickles fine cut
4 lbs pickling onions
4 lbs cauliflower
4 tins mushrooms
2 lbs of green beans
3 lbs green peppers
4 lbs red peppers
7 - 16 oz tins ripe (black) olives
6 - 8 oz tins tuna
4 - 11 oz bottles ketchup
3 - 16 oz jars stuffed green olives
2 - 13 oz tins anchovies - optional (I personally have never added the anchovies)
Boil cauliflower 3 min. Drain, set aside. Peel pickling onions, cut dills fine. Boil green beans (cut fine) until tender. Set all aside. Fry sliced muchrooms in oil. Add ketchup and cut green and red peppers. Simmer 10-15 minutes. Add all vegies, olives and remaining ingredients. Break up tuna (drained) and add to everything. Put into mason jars (pressure to seal).
Makes about 30 pints. Enjoy!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Pear Coffee Cake
Pear Coffee Cake
Preheat oven to 350.
Grease a 9" square cake pan.
Cream together:
1/3 C butter
3/4C granulated sugar
Beat in:
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
Beat until light and fluffy.
Sift together:
1 1/2 C flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Add sifted dry ingredients to creamed mixture alternately with:
1C milk
Combining lightly.
Turn into prepared pan.
Peel 3 pears and slice into thin strips.
Insert wedges into the batter.
Mix together:
1/3 C lightly packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 C chopped almonds
3 Tbsp melted butter
Sprinkle over batter.
Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until golden brown.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
More Wildlife
A Steller's Jay looking...well, very stellar. However, despite his noble pose, he's quick to give a variety of raucous calls and scolds to anyone who ventures too close to the tree while he's collecting the nuts.
Here he is again trying to crack open a nut. He's quite persistant. I find many empty shells when I'm out collecting some of the nuts for myself.
The squirrel is new to the area but he has been chatting up quite a storm. He's very vocal!
Somewhat curious too...just as long as you don't get too close or make any sudden movements.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Canning Frenzy

My parents arrived home from vacation yesterday bearing gifts of....tomatoes. So today I got busy and started canning, because really, what else is one going to do with 60 plus lbs of tomatoes. The timing was really great because I have not done much in the way of canning tomatoes this year and have pretty much used up my supply from last year. That usually happens, I use a ton of tomatoes in just about everything from spaghetti sauce or chillis to soup.
My bowls of scalded tomatoes above: we're just getting started ;)

Monday, September 25, 2006
Book Meme
My first impulse would be to choose something long and entertaining such as Cheryl’s choice of the Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, but I think that ultimately a book on edible plants would be more practical.
6. One book that you wish you had written.
10. Tag five others that you'd like to do this meme.
In a Pickle

I didn't get around to posting on my blog yesterday. I ended up being too tired in the evening and then ended up going to bed late anyways. Go figure. In any case, all I intended was to share this picture of pickled beets that I finally got around to making. Whew! What a time consuming endeavor. That took far more time with far less to show than say canning tomatoes. I took the recipe from the "Bernadin Guide to Home Preserving." This isn't something that I've made often enough to have one favorite recipe, but I think this one might just be a keeper. I really like the combination of spices they used.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hippocrates, 400 BC

What is a tonic?
A tonic is something that improves your well being. It helps restore balance to the body, and it nourishes. Rather than rectifying a specific problem, as a remedy does, a tonic supports health. It doesn't make you feel bad in the process.
I suppose that there are many definitions of a tonic. In traditional Chinese medicine, a tonic enhances immunity and supports normal functioning, as opposed to a remedy designed to attack the root cause of a specific illness or medical problem.
In European traditional medicine, tonics are generally bitter substances that improve digestion (think Swedish bitters). Thus they too generally improve one's energy and sense of well being.
For me, I tend to go with the definition of foods / drinks that support health and nourish our cells. Because of summer's abondance of fresh fruits, at this time of year, my favorite is the "fruit smoothie."

For any of you interested in some of the benefits of some of the ingredients included in todays smoothie, here you have it:
Grape. Rich in antioxidant compounds. Red grapes (but not white or green grapes) are high in the antioxidant quercetin. Grape skins contain resveratrol, shown to inhibit blood-platelet clumping (and consequently, blood clot formation) and boost good-type HDL cholesterol. Red grapes are antibacterial and antiviral in test tubes. Grape seed oil also raises good-type cholesterol.
Raspberry. Anti-viral, anti-cancer activity. High in natural aspirin
Soybean. Rich in hormones, it boosts estrogen levels in post-menopausal women. Has anti-cancer activity and is thought to be especially antagonistic to breast cancer, possibly one reason rates of breast and prostate cancers are low among the Japanese. Soybeans are the richest source of potent protease inhibitors which are anti-cancer, anti-viral agents. Soybeans lower blood cholesterol substantially. In animals, soybeans seem to deter and help dissolve kidney stones.

Friday, September 22, 2006
The Best Fast Food

I also always make my own salad dressing. I can't remember the last time I actually purchased a store variety, but when I do, it is almost always Little Creek. Today I went for an oriental flavour. I used flax oil (for my daily dose of EFA's), rice vinegar, some crushed ginger, tamari sauce, a pinch of djon mustard and a little honey and then I sprinkled the whole thing with sesame seeds. It was delicious.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I picked her up from the SPCA, apparently a stray...but I just don't believe it. You see, she is VERY domestic, and your classic "scaredy cat," a quivering puss who will run at the slightest noise. But as you can see from the pictures, I can occasionally get her outside. She never goes very far, and I've never had to worry about her leaving the yard. However, if I'm outside gardening, she'll act brave and do some exploring in the bushes.

Things she likes best: eating, sleeping, having her belly rubbed and a good cuddle. Who wouldn't like that?