There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.Mohandas Gandhi

If you wander a half block up from Baker Street and turn into the back alley behind the bank of Montreal you'll encounter an intoxicating aroma of baked goodness that will transport you directly to the boulangeries of Paris. This hidden gem, an authentic French bakery, is called "Au Soleil Levant." Inside this cozy, rustic boulangerie, you will instantly feel a connection with the old world charm of France: open hearth ovens, neatly formed dough rising, baskets full of crisp bagettes, almond filled croisants, brioches, and fougasse.

This is a family owned and run business in the heart of what my friends and I jokingly call the "French Quarter." La société francophone is just around the corner and it is not uncommon to hear "la belle langue" in the vicinity or within the bakery. So go ahead and try out your French, as I'm sure it will bring much delight to the owners.
All the breads are as tasty as they smell. The wheat (or grains, depending on the bread) is freshly milled before being used. The bakery uses their own starter and has many alternatives for this health minded community. If you don't / can't eat wheat, you'll find breads made out of spelt or rye and occasionally they will have tartelettes with nut pastery. On different days of the week they offer specialty breads flavoured with various nuts, seeds, fruit, and of course...chocolat. For a quick inexpensive lunch, ask for a mini baguette with warmed brie and caraway seeds, or one of my favorites, a savory fougasse.
Bon appétit!!
Wow, the bakery looks great!
Keep this up and we'll be moving back before you know it!
I'm crossing my fingers!!!
Oh that is so lovely! Look at the sign and then that builiding is just divine. It looks like a whole other world.
Gabriella, yes, it almost does feel like a whole other world. Thanks for stopping by.
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