I really don't have much of interest to report today. I've been fighting off a nasty bug which I thought was gone, but yesterday it returned with a vengeance. So the truth of the matter is the brain is feeling rather dull. That coupled with the weather being uncooperative made it a perfect day to curl up with a good book and a pot of tea. I picked up these jasmine tea balls at the local health food store (Kootenay Coop for those familiar with the region) the other day.
I’d seen these mysterious walnut sized balls of tea in shops before and knew they were special, but it took some serious raving from a friend to convince me that they were worth buying. Basically, they are long green tea leaves, hand rolled and hand tied, dried with fresh jasmine flowers giving them a deliciously delicate scent.

But the magical pleasure comes when hot water is added to the ball.
Almost like conjuring a trick, the ball unfolds into a spiky green starburst and a flower in the centre emerges and spontaneously comes to life and grows before your very eyes.
Very clever and a joy for all the senses.

The chrysanthemum like flower that emerges is supposed to symbolize tranquility, beauty, longevity and health.
That's really cool. I've never seen that. It adds a twist to tea time. Thanks for sharing.
Very clever. It's much better than the small heart I had that when put in hot water turned into a wash cloth.
The only place I have ever seen these was in Chinatown in Vancouver. So Cool!
Fool, a twist it certainly is. Quite entertaining and gives everyone something to talk about. Not that I could ever imagine conversation lagging at your place.
Burdockboy, yes, getting a wash cloth out of the deal probably wouldn't turn my crank either.
JBelle, although still not overly common, I am starting to notice them in more and more places.
Those are so cool! I'll definitely be on the lookout for some.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Came back for another look. :) Happy Sunday!
Cheryl, I'll bring some over for the next time we have tea together. I'm sure your kids would love the show.
JBelle, Let me know if you need a supply and can't find them. I'll ship some your way. Happy Sunday to you too.
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