From when I first set eyes upon her, I felt especially drawn to this melancholic beauty. Her wistful glance of yearning for that which never quite is in some meaningful way spoke to me as I understood that she was looking for some small measure of peace that we all seek, but never quite find. She surrounds herself with political messages which have thus far fallen on deaf ears and seek yet a captive audience. She speaks volumes in her silence. When we met again this last time in December, she seemed even more pensive as she held a snow white rose close to her heart in her barren surroundings.
Good evening Carla. What an interesting piece. I've never seen it. I'm really glad you included the second photo, as the face is so expressive. Overall, it says many things...and your reflection is very apropos. Kudos - it's well written. No details wanted this time...this one is a mood piece. Thank you.
Carla, beautiful and thoughtful post... certainly in stark contrast to the hijacked hedgehog. ;-)
I have a lillie garden she would look lovely in.
Hello Fool, she certainly evokes a particular feeling. I suppose that is what art is all about...to capture an essence that would be difficult to encapsulate in words.
Rowena, thank you for your comments. You are most kind. The hijacked hedgehog is perhaps different, but is charming in an equally entertaining way.
Manny, I am sure your garden would make a fabulous home for this beauty. She looks as though she could use cheerier surroundings.
She's beautiful, Carla. Where does she reside?
Hi Cheryl, she's in Geneva.
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