Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Winter...the Best Time of Year

This video clip captures the mountain culture in which I grew up absolutely perfectly. It somehow conjures up all kinds of bits and pieces of memory and feelings from my childhood. Perhaps it's because for years I skied at WH2O...spent many hours on her powdery slopes watching some of the best skiers in the world hotdogging down her cliffs. Perhaps we weren't quite as hippie as those portrayed in this film, but there certainly were a good deal of VW vans. And all of us experienced fishtailing on icy roads. It was all part of the thrill. And those straight skis! When's the last time you've seen those? We all learned on them.

Bill Heath, a local film maker, spent a good deal of his career learning from the father of ski filmmaking, Warren Miller. Last year I had the honour of viewing his newest film "Nine Winters Old," the stories of random snow lovers and their mountain experiences. The cinematography is stunning and you will see some of the best scenery this area has to offer. See trailer below.


Fida said...

Believe it or not - I still have a pair of strait skis. I got some new once last year, and by goly, after 2 days on the slopes with my new skis I was so close to going back to my old-timers. But, I am hanging in there...

Isle Dance said...

I have a story tidbit to share about someone mentioned here, but due to anonymity, I can't! LOL.

Carla said...

Fida, And I thought I was the last one on the slopes with straight skis. Unfortunately mine were stolen, so now I'm in the same boat as everyone else.

Isle Dance, Now I am so intrigued. Perhaps you should email me privately, or I fear I shan't be able to sleep.

Jannie Funster said...

I had no idea skis aren't straight anymore? When did they do that?

I liked the ski "moon" in the intro of the first clip. Seems such a happier simpler time, or is that just an illusion?

Marta Domínguez Senra said...

I'm only safe "on" my feet or in water (sacred water). And it's better for people around me, believe me.
Winter for me is: (The holly and the ivy, by George Winston), love, Christmas and the stars shining in the dark cold sky.
Thank you for link me in your blog, Carla.
* :·)*

Steffi said...

The Best Time of the Year...???I love the winter only around the christmas time because I love white christmas!
But unfortunately I saw my last really white christmas at my childhood!
But as season I prefer more the spring/autumn.

Fida said...

Sorry Carla, that was me :-)

Annie Wicking said...

Wow I enjoyed watching both the films.. It looks wonderful but very cold to me.

Best wishes, my dear friend, Carla.


Carla said...

Jannie, It does make people seem far more carefree, doesn't it? Perhaps it is an illusion, but I have the same feeling.

Aaouie, I also love Christmas,and when the snow sparkles at night like diamonds. It's all so magical to me. Sorry I didn't link you sooner, I have not had much time to update lately.

Carla said...

Steffi, There are things that I like about every season. Winter I like best if it is not too long.

Fida, Well lucky you.

Carla said...

Annie, Not so cold if you dress for the weather. I actually find it more palatable than the dampness. I find I just can't warm up if it's too damp and rainy.

Isle Dance said...

Carla - You can email me at the obvious at gmail. I'll spill.

Mone said...

I'm living in the mountains and my internet connection is so slow that I'm not able to watch the youtube films. But I'll do that at work ;) Almost Christmass again, Time is flying, jeez.

Carla said...

Ilse Dance, Oh good. The curiosity is killing me.

Mone, Good to see you online again. I hope life is treating you well.

Debbie said...

I'm always in awe (and terror) when I see ski films like that. I love to watch them. It amazes me that someone can do that and survive.

I'm not much a skiier myself (if you haven't guessed). I damaged my knee several years ago skiing down a BLUE hill!

Carla said...

Debbie, It takes huge skill and a little bit of craziness. Sorry to hear about your knee.

Mridula said...

In my part I see no snow on a daily basis even in winter and whenever I trek, I slip and slip on snow! Scares me too!

Carla said...

Mridula, Well there hasn't been much snow yet this season. Almost none. And to think that last year it just wouldn't melt.

The Fool said...

Fun is. Warren Miller films at the local theater kick off the powder season in Homer. Thanks for the footage. Tis the season.

Anonymous said...

I still have some of those skis and up until 2 years ago, I was using them. I still use my boots, but rent the other skis at the local hill. I was talking to a guy today about those skis and he still likes his old ones because he puts his feet so close together he tangles the new ones. Me, I much prefer the new style and skiing on a shorter ski. Still, yesterday's icy conditions and first time out made me a little nervous at the start.

Carla said...

Fool, 'Tis certainly the season. Snowed all day yesterday and I spent all day today decorating.

Dawn, Winter has been very mild this year so far. Snowed all day yesterday, but it's warmed up somewhat today. We certainly don't have enough snow for our hills to open yet. I remember skiing back east though...they hills were always icy compared to here.