If you haven't been over at
freerangeliving recently, I suppose you are wondering what this is all about. Cheryl has tagged some of us asking us to post pictures of the inside of our refrigerator. So here it is!!! I resisted temptation and didn't tidy beforehand. I didn't include my veggie bins...you can't see through them and the aerial view leaves a bit to be desired. But if anyone out there is dying of curiosity I would be most happy to sate. Enjoy. Any of you reading who would like to post pictures of the inside of your fridge, let me know and I will check it out. Cheryl, I've been wondering where your picture is. Are you waiting to be tagged back?

Hey Carla,
Mine's there, it's just back a post or two on the day that we got our new fridge.
You've got as many bottles of flavorings (Braggs, Sambal Oelek) as I do, although mine are all in the door, so you can't see them.
Thanks for playing along!
Do you shop much at the Kootenay Co-op? It's the only place that I've found Earth Balance in bulk.
Cheryl, Yes, I realized later that I had seen the inside of your fridge. Thanks for pointing that out. I do indeed have many bottles...it makes for yummy cooking.
Burdockboy, I live just a hop, skip and a jump from the Kootenay Co-op and am in there almost every second day to pick up one thing or another.
This is fun. My fridge from last June. If you click the post title you can see the inside of another fridge, the fridge of the person who inspired my post.
I will do it!
Give me a few hours...
It is Wednesday, but Heck Yeah, I will do it!
And link you as well!
~d, Great! I'll check out your fridge shortly.
Carla: What's with all of this refridgerator flashing goin on across the net? I am sure that EVERYONE wants to be tagged befoe my refridgerator is exposed. Put me at the bottom of the list, please.
Fool, I have no idea what precipitated the whole "let's look in the fridge" idea, but I've been told that Burdockboy had something to do with it. No pressure, I'm just waiting someone to post who has something really mind blowing in their fridge ;-)
A Chinese meat dog wasn't mind blowing? :)
Toby, I have to admit, the Chinese meat dog is a little strange. You'll have to give me a little more history on it.
I did it! I did it!
I am such a copy cat!
(nice to meet you!)
~d, thanks for playing along. I'm off now to check out your pics.
Not much history to add. Last summer when Anita did this I photoshopped a dog into my fridge. Just a little additive to get people talking. I haven't read through all the comments, but I believe one or two actually thought I had a dog in my fridge.
Carla, I'll tell you what I told Fool, word verification is lame. You already moderate, you do not need WV. Don't allow "anonymous" comments and you'll be safe and free of spam. :)
Toby, thanks for the tip regarding the word verification. There have been any number of times that word verification has almost made me loose it. So the dog was photoshopped. I wondered why it looked so real. It certainly would be a conversation starter.
Hey! You got plenty of food in there for you, me and ~d. So when are you going to ask us over already? :)
Dan, I know, it's a rarity that I have so much food in my fridge. Had people around all week, and you know how important eating is. Let me know when you're in the area and I'll cook you and ~d up a storm.
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