Happy Chinese New Year everyone. This year is the year of the Fire Pig. It's supposed to be a good one for me. If you are interesting in knowing what's in store for you in the coming year, check out
Sherman Tai's website. He is apparently one of the top Chinese fortune tellers and feng shui masters in both Vancouver and Hong Kong.

To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. (Chinese Proverb)
Hello Carla.
I was living in Indonesia a few years ago, when Chinese New Year was first made an official public holiday. Given how the Chinese community suffered under the dictatorship of Soeharto, that was a beautiful thing...
Happy Chinese New Year to you!
Man it's supposed to be a pretty lousy year for me according to Sherman Tai. We shall see.
JBelle, thanks.
Barnes, It must have been quite amazing to experience Chinese New Year under those circumstances. Happy New year to you too.
Burdockboy, my understanding is that these readings not so much so much predict your fate, but give you the tools to "outwit" the "stars" if they are not in your favour. I am sure it will all turn out splendidly.
Beautiful photos, Carla. Thank you for sharing.
I'm not sure about this Sherman Tai fellow...accoring to him:
"Do not attend unnecessary events or entertaining. More importantly, do not take up unhealthy hobbies or submerge yourself in drinking and/or women."
Excuse me? I don't think I'm going to become a disciple of his any time soon.
Hi Nomad...Is this a re-post? I don't recall writing the response credited to me...and I don't recall being up that late Sunday night... ??
Have a great Tuesday.
Fool, If you look at the date...posted over a year ago. How did you end up on this page anyways??? Great new post, by the way, the "Stain Removal." I can relate.
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