I'll be back to posting more travel pics in short order, but in the meantime thought I'd share these photos I snapped today of a Canada Goose feeding. Okay, he doesn't really look like he's doing all that much feeding in the picture, although he was, that is until I started to approach. Then he warily turned and waddled in the opposite direction.

Some interesting facts about the Canada Goose:
- They fly in V formation when migrating. This apparently minimizes the "drag" on each individual bird allowing them to take advantage of the slipstream created by the bird in front of them...much as cyclists do.
- Can travel more than 1000 km in one day.
- Mate for life, however if one dies the other will take another mate, or pine to death at the loss of their mate (depending on which source you're reading)
- Have 13 different "calls" that scientists have identified so far.

Great photos, Carla. It looks like you guys still have lots of snow lying around.
Thanks Cheryl! Yes, we still have snow, but it's melting fast. It's supposed to get up to 10 degrees before the end of the week. Already I would say about half of it is now gone. It's starting to feel like spring.
Great shot. I guess he was taking a break from eating.
It's funny because it seems like our winter is just starting.
The Canada Goose in Wisconsin, like the white tail deer, is very plentiful sometimes to the point of being a pest. Still, I visited Horicon Marsh in the fall. I guess somewhere between 100,000-200,000 Canada Geese pass through the area in the fall. There were sure a bunch when I was there.
I love those shots! They were her yesterday, btw.
Carla, you get right out there and shoo those birds this way! The geese don't usually return to Fairbanks until the 2nd week in April, but if you give a lil' assist...spring may arrive early. Are you listening JBelle? Thanks for sharing. Geese are awesome.
Burdockboy, Horicon Marsh looks like a lovely little spot, at least from the pics on their webpage. They are sometimes considered pesky here as well. 200 000 certainly sounds like a lot.
JBelle, thanks. Sounds like they're migrating through your area as well. Do they stay for long?
Fool, I'm right on it. At up to 1000 km/day, I'm sure we can get them up there before April. Let me know.
Carla - Very nice.
Thanks Toby!
You know, if you through things like distance and speed at a teacher they automatically reach for a calculator? Let's see, at 1,000 km/day...
Fool, I know, when I was looking at that...I just thought, seems way too speedy. They'll be there in no time at all, that is, of course, unless they find some nice little pond and decide on an extended lay over.
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