Monday, February 08, 2010

Our Children Will Accuse Us

How much responsibility will we bare? Will we be able to forever get away with ignorance as a defense for our inaction? Should we not demand more for ourselves? For our children? The following is a short preview for the film "nos enfants nous accuseront." It's in French and English and subtitled. Heartbreaking, but worth the watch.


we're doomed said...

Pollution is always a concern, not just for children, but for all of us. If you visit an old cemetery. The grave stones of young children are many. Children live to reach adulthood a lot more now. If the younger generation is going to have a shorter life span I think it will be caused by the crappy diet of many young people and the lack of exercise. Right now I am more worried about a terrorism event causing harm to my children, than pollution. We all live a great life, compared to our ancestors. I agree pollution is a problem, especially in Russia, China and India. Carla, I don't think that story is crying wolf, but in the context of what is going on in our world it is much ado about nothing.

Marta Domínguez Senra said...

On dit que cet siècle serait-il le siècle de la révolution des animaux libres. Quel... bêtise! Moi je ne le croix pas. Les animaux sont esclaves (comme les esclaves par "excellence" et comme nous les femmes) mais ils sont en train de mourir et de disparaître.
Moi je n'avais pas de la voiture. Suis-je innocente?

Ups, Carla you have in the blogroll my old address. The new one is

Best regards.

Jannie Funster said...

This made me cry when I saw that big cloud of chemicals obliterating the orchard.

But we can live without chemicals.

And take a stand. With our wallets!

With our hearts.


Carla said...

We're Doomed, I agree, we do live a great life. My point is probably more the apathy that we live in, the fact that we allow some of this to happen as the side effects are so slow and insidious. It's not justified for the profit of a few multinationals. I do think corporations should be held responsible if their products cause widespread harm. That is a form of terrorism. But yes, terrorist acts on a mass scale are shocking and do just as they were meant to...invoke terror in many.

Marta, Merci pour tes commentaires. Est-ce qu’on est innocent? Je ne sais pas, mais il y a ceux qui vont faire n’importe quoi pour le profit; ceux qui n’ont pas de conscience. Malheureusement, c’est à nous autres de faire des hommes honnêtes de ces personnes là.

Yes, I know that I have your old address. I tried to change it once and was unsuccessful and haven't had the time since. It's on my list, but thanks for the reminder.

Carla said...

Jannie, I know what you mean. I think I lost it when they showed the poor child who's lost her hair due to chemo. Yes, chemicals are something we don't need.

Pamela said...

I worry about the fast foods -- and all the sodium and fat

and I worry that the chemicals that we have banned are being used quite liberally in the countries we now buy our food from

plus -- they are exposing all their wildlife and humans to the bad stuff.

Maggie said...

saddens me. I try to live in a fashion that will show my twins I do care about them. I guess in the end that is all one can do. We are a generation of people who refuse to take responsibility and the root of that is what?....great post.

Ed & Jeanne said...

For me, it really boils down to overpopulation. Six billion of anything is too much...

Isle Dance said...

I'm so glad you're sharing this. It's all so important. I too think the chem co's should be held responsible/liable for cleaning up the entire mess we're in.

Steffi said...

I agree full with Jannie´s comment!

Cheryl said...

One of the most moving things I've seen in a while, thank you for posting it. I think it's easy for us to get complacent about what companies are doing to increase their profits, and we're often distracted into worrying about other things.
I'm surprised at how messed up our priorities are sometimes.

Fida said...

It is tragic what we do and allow in the name of progress. I was really shocked when I learned that vegetables, especially salads are sprayed (amongst other things) with artificial MSG because that makes the salad look fresher for longer periods of time. And berries look as if they are on steroids. What is really truly organic? Pollution doesn't stop at my own garden.

we're doomed said...

Please post something Carla. I miss you!

Carla said...

Pamela, very good points. I worry about the exact same stuff.

Maggie, thanks. I guess we have to continue to believe that our small efforts combined will make a difference.

Carla said...

VE, Six billion is quite a lot, isn't it?

Isle Dance, If we were all held responsible for our own actions, it is unlikely that we'd be where we are today. I guess I need to continue to hope for a better future.

Carla said...

Steffi, I know, I agree too.

Cheryl, They really are, aren't they. Messed up priorities I mean.

Carla said...

Fida, So true. Contamination spreads. So many people have strong reactions to MSG. I'm surprised companies can still get away with doing that.

We're Doomed, I'm trying to make a come back. Hopefully I'll post a little more regularly from now on. I guess I was in a slump.