Monday, September 07, 2009

Heavenly Concoctions

My latest ice cream experiment was a screaming success and I have to share it before summer leaves us completely. I've learned a few things about home made ice cream this summer. First, the addition of alcohol keeps it from freezing so hard (an issue with non-commercial ice creams). Second, if one uses fresh (or even frozen) fruit, one can totally eliminate the cooking of an egg custard step found in so many recipes. This is a real coup if you are trying to eat raw. Now the real trick here is going to be to try to remember exact proportions of ingredients as a couple weeks have now passed since I first created this concoction.

Rum Raisin Peach Ice Cream

Take about a half cup of raisins and cover with rum. Let sit over night.

In blender, mix 1 1/2 C of cream, 3/4 C of sugar, 3 C of skinned chopped peaches, rum and raisins. Blend until thoroughly mixed. Put into your ice cream maker and process as usual.

How easy is that? Enjoy.


thailandchani said...

Eeeeeyum! Wow, would I ever love to be your neighbor! LOL


Carla said...

Chani, Thanks :-). If you are ever in my neighbourhood, you are more than welcome to drop by.

we're doomed said...

This recipe is on my to-do-list.

NYD said...

Ice cream = Yummy!, But ice cream + Diet = Angry wife.

Life's simple equations

Carla said...

We're Doomed, I hope I got all the proportions right. If not, do a little experimentation.

NYD, But home made ice cream = healthy alternative to most the crap sold in stores.

pandave said...

ice cream maker. I'm putting that on my birthday wish list. rum and rasin - mmm mmm good!

Carla said...

Pandave, I'm totally sold on home made ice cream. So many possibilities.

Jannie Funster said...

Wow, you really are Earth Mother, aren't you?! Bravo.

I'm all about picking up Haagen Dazs from the market.


Marta Domínguez Senra said...


Maggie said...

sounds fabulous, guess an orange cream bar will have to suffice here:)

Steffi said...

Sounds really delicious!Thank for your recipe,Carla!

Carla said...

Jannie, Haagen Dazs is pretty good too if you're in a pinch, or around here we have Little Miss Gelato, and she's awesome!

Aaoiue, Thanks.

Carla said...

Maggie, An orange cream bar sounds pretty good. Perhaps I'll have to try to make that next.

Steffi, You're most welcome. I hope you enjoy.

Pamela said...

I'm copying that one. Rum raisin is one of my favorite combination's.