Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Adulterate: to debase or make impure by adding inferior materials or elements ; use cheaper, inferior, or less desirable goods; to falsify.

latin - "adulteratus": to falsify.

In one context, making an impure substance.

A substance can also be the opposite: unadulterated, pure.

In another to make a relationship impure, harmful and less valuable (adultery).


Ed & Jeanne said...

Is there a back story here?

Marta Domínguez Senra said...

It's my "favourit" flower. Viola tricolor.

we're doomed said...

A lovely flower and a serious subject!

dawn said...

That is one gorgeous flower. Has it been adulterated in any way?

dawn said...

What a gorgeous flower. I see Aaoiue has given it's name. I will keep a look out. I have some white and purple violas.

dawn said...

What a gorgeous flower. I see Aaoiue has given it's name. I will keep a look out. I have some white and purple violas.

Carla said...

VE, There's a back story everywhere...well, perhaps not on the blog.

Aaoiue, It's one of my favorites as well. Such beautiful colours.

Carla said...

We're Doomed, Indeed.

Dawn, I've always just called them Pansies, but Viola tricolour sounds quite elegant. It just might stick.

Steffi said...

A very beautiful flower!Great shot!

Carla said...

Steffi, Thanks. I like it too.