Sunday, March 08, 2009

Poor Marie

The guillotine drops.
I fall into a deep abyss.
Darkness envelopes
My aching head.


Fida said...

Can't believe I am first :)

Beautiful, even if the event is anything but...

The Fool said...

Interesting juxtaposition. Chiaroscuro in its balance of light & dark. Effective. It hits the mark, Nomad.

thailandchani said...

Argh! :)


Carla said...

Fida, That poor lady was stuck between a rock and a hard place. And yes, you're first.

Fool, Thanks. Strange things come out of my head sometimes.

Carla said...

Chani, I know, I know.

Anonymous said...

Deeply attentive as I gaze upon such a moving image of history.

I luv your postings & photos as they allow us (your readers) the opportunity of analysis in education.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Ask your doctor if headlessness is right for you...

Mark said...

Amazing is it not?

Carla said...

Peter, Thanks. That is very kind of you to say. The reality is that all our brains work in different ways and what we write is a reflection of our different ways of thinking.

VE, I can always count on you to make me laugh. Thanks.

Carla said...

Mark, The amazing thing is if you delve into the history of it all, Marie Antoinette was not nearly as excessive as the French population liked to believe. In fact, she did much to help out the poor, canceling certain taxes, making other financial reforms and selling off much of the royal flatware to buy food to distribute to the poor. It was, in fact, the nobility who were against these reforms that helped those less fortunate. They chose instead,as royal hopefuls to spread scandalous stories which simply weren't true, including the statement, "let them eat cake."

we're doomed said...

Carla, it's always your own group that sticks you in the back the most. The tide of history cares not who loses their head. Et tu Brute?

Carla said...

We're Doomed, I think you might be onto something. Often friends don't like to see their friends become more successful than they. There is great pressure to conform.

Paris Parfait, She definitely was a scapegoat. It probably didn't help that she was a foreigner.

Anonymous said...

I do agree Carla.

As I often feel the pain of arthritis of the neck - I wonder if in a past life - I had received the fate...

Marta Domínguez Senra said...

Cuando Marie Antoinette se dirigió al patíbulo, sin querer se tropezó con el verdugo. Como había sido educada exquisitamente, sin apenas pensarlo le dijo "perdóneme". Era precisamente lo único que no iba a hacer el verdugo.

Sorry, I'm writing Spanish (even if it sounds not like a song) because I'm very busy and tired, very tired. I promise to come back early and offer you my out of tune English.

Best regards!

Carla said...

Aaoiue, I have the gist of what you're saying...and yes, the one thing the executioner wouldn't do, was to excuse her. In the end, she had more manners than the rest of the lot who was supposed to have similar breeding.

Steffi said...

I agree with your answer to Doomed´s comments. It´s so true what you said!
For me sounds your post sad!

Carla said...

Steffi, I suppose that is a sad fact. I hope not everyone is like that.

Pamela said...

I even hear the music.....

Carla said...

Pamela, Yes, I can imagine what might be playing.

pandave said...

That's what you get for telling people to just eat cake!

That was just awesome!
the words and the image, both.

pandave said...

Isn't it odd how we believe rumour more than the truth? It seems to be what makes the world go round these days. Does anyone really care anymore?

Carla said...

Pandave, Absolutely. It's questionable whether she even ever said, "let them eat cake." But obviously, once a rumour makes it into circulation it's extremely hard to stop. How long has this one been circulating?

pandave said...

True indeed. During our election period, last year, there was a report on how, even when the truth comes out, people tend to remember the rumour. And it's crazy because some rumours are so out there, you just have no idea how they came about.