Saturday, October 02, 2010

Here's the Deal

If you quit lying about me,
I will quit telling the truth about you.


we're doomed said...

Sounds fair to me....

pandave said...

that sounds like a brilliant idea!

the photo is out of this world!

Steffi said...

Wow...what a photo,Carla!

Ms. Adventuress said...

Oh my goodness!

Jannie Funster said...

Oooo, good one!

I love how you cut to the chase in so few words.

Liars suck.


Steffi said...

Hello Carla,how are you....?

Marta Domínguez Senra said...

What about people who can't lie nor tell the truth?

Ed & Jeanne said...

That's a great photo! Not your average locale. Oh, and I've moved on to a more serious blog. You can find me at