Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Essence

Myths are things which never happened but always are.


sue said...

What a fabulous image! and such a deeply thought provoking quote. myths have always intrigued me. somehow I feel i know, or should know the figures in and the legend behind this photo. they are calling to me...from Versailles? please do tell more

Jannie Funster said...

I remember a line in some Joni Mitchell song where she thought love was just "mythical" Possibly the tune "This Flight Tonight" but don't quote me on that.

I would so love to see Versailles. I did get to tour Vaux le Vicompte, which was build by the same architect. Awesome.

Carla said...

Sue, Yes, it is Versailles' call that you hear. Many stories, those grounds, I'm sure, could tell.

Jannie, It is definately worth the visit. So incredibly opulent, it's no wonder the French revolted.

Isle Dance said...

LOVE that photo. And yes, indeed.

Marta Domínguez Senra said...

Certainly, they are many things that never happened but that are true.

Carla said...

Isle Dance, Thank you. I felt as if the water gave the horses movement. I can feel them as they rush past.

Aaouie, Yes, and these secrets only reveal themselves with time.

Mone said...

Hi, just wanted to tell you that I think I've woken up :)

Anonymous said...

Impressive and the mystique of 'myths' always retain captivation - as your picture does indeed portray.

Carla said...

Mone, That's a very wonderful feeling. Hope you are well rested. Nice to see you again.

Diary of Scotland, Thank you for your kind words.