Monday, August 03, 2009


We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.

~W. Shakespeare


we're doomed said...

I used to get a good nights sleep. Now it seems like the only restful sleep I get is in my dreams.

NYD said...

How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
That has such people in't!

Maybe not the people, but rather the scenic views you share with us.,

Jannie Funster said...

Gosh was there no ed to his brilliaace? Far ahead of his or any oth time.

To sleep perchance to dream...

Carla said...

We're Doomed, Actually, it could be argued that your REM sleep (dream sleep) is the most important part of the sleep cycle. I certainly feel better after a good dream.

NYD, Thanks. Such wonderful quotes.

Carla said...

Jannie, To dream is one of my main reasons to sleep. Blissful slumber. And yes, our dear friend Willy was a mighty perceptive man.

we're doomed said...

I forgot to tell you Carla, that you took a very nice picture.

Carla said...

We're Doomed, Thanks, kind of you to say so.

Pamela said...

gooooooooooorgeous photo. Makes me feel so very peaceful and blessed

Carla said...

Pamela, Thanks. I feel blessed as well to behold such beauty.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I'm dreaming that just beyond that fog there's a water park...

Mark said...

Love the photo and the quote. Yes, we are living the dream and the dream is living us.

Steffi said...

Wonderfo and words,Carla!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Have you snuck off for summer again?

pandave said...

Hey Carla,
you sleeping?

Ed W said...

How can you really tell for sure what is a dream and what is real?

Jannie Funster said...

Just dropping by to dream some more.


Carla said...

VE, And I'm sure if you look hard enough, you'll find one.

Mark, Very well put.

Carla said...

Tara, Thanks, that means a lot coming from such a talented photographer as yourself.

Steffi, Thanks. Shakespeare was brilliant.

Carla said...

VE, I did sneak off...and forgot my computer...not so unfortunate I suppose. But I'm back, so stay tuned.

Pandave, Was in the midst of a beautiful dream.

Carla said...

Revelationist, I don't think we really can. Perhaps it's all a dream.

Jannie, I always knew you were a great dreamer, that's why you write such lovely songs.