Monday, April 20, 2009

Period of Grace

I apologize to all for my silence. It's been a rather busy month. Busy and then company. But the worst was when my internet connection went down. I am still waiting for the technical issue to be resolved...hopefully this week. Shaw has promised to send an IT technician on Wednesday. In any case, I haven't abandoned you, nor jumped on the Facebook bandwagon. I have posts started, even if they're not completed, and I look forward to getting back online soon and catching up on all your stories.


thailandchani said...

I do know exactly what you mean. I've barely been around, either. Thank goodness for Google Reader. :)


we're doomed said...

You are breaking my heart, Carla!

The Fool said...


Best fishes to you. Cya soon.


BurdockBoy said...

I"ve been absent as well-vacation, test studying and gardening take up time.

pandave said...

And we shall continue to come back and check to see when you come back. I suggest, as penance, a wonderfully delicious recipe!

may you crush that evil guy who lives inside the machine

Rowena said...

Thank god you haven't been sucked into Facebook. Twitter? There is a world out there offline and it beats (for me anyway), anything that the pc has to offer.

We got bears in our woods!

Steffi said...

I wish you the best,Carla!I am busy too.The pictures is really nice!

Pamela said...

seasons -- and we have to flow with them.

Your bloggy buddies will be patient. (I can't speak for facebook, as I've just resisted the temptation to spend more time on the computer)

Marta Domínguez Senra said...

Dear Carla: in a few days I'm in the operating room in the Hospital where I work. It's about a thyroidectomy and I hope everything is going to be smoothly easy. So, perhaps me too would need a period of grace...

Carla said...

Chani, I'm glad you haven't totally disappeared.

We're Doomed, So sorry. I shall be back in short order.

Carla said...

Fool, Thanks. And I love them fishes.

Burdock Boy, Simply not enough hours in the day, are there?

Carla said...

Pandave, I'll think up something special just for you. Look for a recipe soon.

Rowena, I haven't seen bears yet, but the deer have been eating my tulips.

Carla said...

Steffi, I think with spring around, everyone gets busier.

Pamela, I too am trying to spend less time in front of my PC.

Carla said...

Aaoiue, Best of luck. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thyroids are so finicky, and everything is such a fine balance.

NYD said...

Oh, shoot, I totally forgot I even have a facebook account.

Like the picture. Did you paint it?

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I was checking back on my blog for my ratio for hummingbird food... and saw your comment. It has been a long time since I've been by.
Now~ to see what's new in Kootenay Bliss!

Ed & Jeanne said...

It's ok...I've been on vacation in the Caribbean anyway. I had imposters write my posts for me. See...even the ingenious can be lazy...

atomicarena said...

It had been a while since I came across your blog. and here is what I checked. Apparently didnt miss much as you have blogged for a while.

Jannie Funster said...

I suppose can forgive your errant blogging ways. :)

JBelle said...

I can't wait until you return...

Carla said...

Blanche, Great name change. I didn't paint the picture. It's a mural on the side of a school here in Nelson. A local artist took on the project working with children attending the school. Great art project.

Carla said...

Sandi, I remember your hummingbird post! It was fabulous. Are they back now?

VE, I wish I had some impostors...then I wouldn't be so far behind.

Carla said...

Atomicarena, Yes, usually I'm much more diligent about my blogging. April was an extremely busy month for me.

Jannie, I'm off to visit you in just a moment.

Carla said...

JBelle, I've returned! At least I hope I have.

Debbie said...

Been there obviously. Not much to blog about if we're not actually livin' our lives, heh?

I'm off Facebook. Do you wanna be my friend? Isn't that term funny? "Friend requests". Makes me feel so highschool. lol

Anonymous said...

I have had similar problems with internet access and reverted back to a mobile internet (slow but less problems).

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