Wednesday, December 17, 2008


At the heart of each of us, whatever our imperfection, there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm, a complex of wave forms and resonances which is absolutely individual and unique, and yet which connects us to everything in the universe.

~George Leonard


Marta Domínguez Senra said...

Today my heart beats quite arrhythmic, but I supose I'll catch the melody if I move into silence and love.

Jannie Funster said...

That's beautiful, I assumed you wrote it until I got to George Leonard's name.

Did you take the photo. Wilson? Whoever did, knows how to make a pleasing shot.

pandave said...

isn't it amazing how at the same time it is indvidual and part of a whole?

Steffi said...

That´s a really beautiful picture,Carla!

Carla, let me know please your postal address:
Thank you!

Carla said...

Aaoiue, I am sure that you have a beautiful rhythm all of your own.

Jannie, Yes, unfortunately it wasn't I who came up with those brilliant words. I can, however, take credit for the photo.

Carla said...

Pandave, Yes, it's a reality that amazes me every time it's confirmed, which is quite often these days.

Steffi, Thanks, I shall send you my address to the email provided.

Anonymous said...


Carla said...

Jeanine, So glad you like it. :-)

Carla said...

Tara, Thanks.