Hecktor has been out fishing almost daily. He says that the fish flit and flitter and flash their shiny silver scales. They are just so vain and oblivious of their surroundings these days that each time he goes down for a quick dive he comes up with a mouthful of flopping fry. They don't even know what hit them. He doesn't like me getting too close though. Says I scare off the fish. Can you believe it? It's apparently bad luck having a female around while fishing. He obviously doesn't know know about the large salmon I caught, and the even larger one that snapped my rod clear in two. I know, it's always the same old story about the "big" one that got away. But sometimes that's just how life goes.
And anyway, it's a DARN good story. Was this at the lake in Nelson? He is magnificent. We bicycle across the Rose Lake Plain in North Idaho and see birds similar to this (maybe the same?) in flight. They are jaw dropping. Was he fishing right at the dock?
JBelle, It certainly was, right on Kootenay lake. He is lovely, isn't he? These birds are so large it really is something to see them take flight. Takes my breath away every time. And yes, he was fishing right then and there. There seems to be quite a few minnows near the shore and Hecktor is quite fond of them. So much fun to watch.
I love it...lol. Wow, Carla what a picture! What a story!
You always post something which takes my breath away.
Thank you my dear friend.
Best wishes and ((Hugs))
Like me, Hektor wastes no time in getting to the important stuff. He has his priorities, food first! ;-)
Annie, You are too sweet. Hecktor is good fun to watch though.
Rowena, And I think you too have gotten those priorities figured out just right.
G'morning Carla. Nice post. Magnificent bird. What is it? It has the build of a crane...but the markings are different than the cranes I've seen in Alaska and Japan. Never known them to be fishermen, either...I've always seen them in fields. I do love the voices of the cranes...such a cacophonus laud. Please, enlighten me with regard to this critter.
Really good story again ,Carla!I like the picture!
Fool, I'm pretty sure that Hecktor is a Heron. He's the funniest bird to watch. He cocks his head and eyes me suspiciously. And he's quite funny to watch walking in the water...always looks like he's trying to sneak up on something, which indeed he is. He's not so chatty though. Indeed, I'm not even sure what he sounds like. But perhaps I just haven't been paying attention.
Steffi, I'm glad you like the picture. It was a bit of a chore getting close enough to Hecktor to get a good shot.
Love fishing stories...got any more?
Nyd, I'm sure I do. Let me ponder for a bit.
don't you just love watching them do their little stretch and grab --
Lovely photo. A great story also. Sounds like successful fishing all around.
Pamela, They are the oddest little (big) birds to watch. Hours of entertainment.
Dawn, Let's just say that the bird isn't lacking for much.
maybe hecktor feels that, despite his magnificent fishing, you are making him look bad.
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