Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Random Bits of Happiness

Yesterday was Canadian Thanksgiving. I thought I'd list some of my favorite things, those things for which I am thankful, those things that in their little way or sometime big add to my happiness. So, in no particular order...

Cuddles, thunderstorms, blowing bubbles, listening to the waves lap upon the beach, a smile, a hearty laugh, Scrabble, sunshine on a crisp autumn day, coffee with friends, dark chocolate, finding seashells, picnics at the beach, travel, stimulating conversation, learning, my bed, feather pillows, family, hugs, Christmas, steaming cocoa, chattering squirrels, the wind through my hair, mountains, light fluffy snow, art, music, snuggles, candle light, high speed internet, a thoughtful word, a secret shared, a swim under the moonlight, a clear starry night, dinner with friends, Sunday brunch, Earl Grey tea and cookies, people watching, bare feet on green grass, soft kisses on the forehead, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, random acts of kindness, comfortable silence, family, childhood memories, creativity, whipping cream, crunchy leaves beneath my feet, autumn colours, roller coasters, ice cream, blog reads, fresh air, a fire on a cold snowy night, foreign films, unspoken understanding, a good book, eureka moments, hot stone massage, comfort food, a glass of wine, antiques, architecture, dressing up, dressing down, a day of skiing, a secluded cabin, unexpected visits, a thoughtful gesture, a sense of humour...

So what makes you happy?


Anonymous said...

A lot of what you said makes me happy. I guess I could add to your list but really...I'm pretty easy going so there are many many things that can make me happy. I just don't show my happy emotions all the time...but I am generally happy.

Rowena said...

At this moment reading what you had listed makes ME happy! You say Scrabble? I love that game (eh, and have even lost boyfriends because of it). ;-)

Carla said...

Sirdar, generally happy is a good thing. Glad to hear it.

Rowena, Lost boyfriends because of it??? Wow! That must have been one serious game. Hope the win was worth it.

Anonymous said...

Belated Thanksgiving greetings and such a delightful 'awareness' within your meaning..

I so loved the photo too.. an image of colour brightens everyone..

Steffi said...

Belated Thanksgiving from me too!Very nice post again and your autumnal picture is fantastic !Your list is really nice and makes me happy too!

Mone said...

I so love the picture you put there. Sunshine and colourful leaves like that, a perfect fall day :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you!

JBelle said...

mmmmmmm. reading this piece. I read it all the way through and I was soooo relaxed by the end. I love this, Carla!

thailandchani said...

Just thinking offhand, I'd say a good, engrossing book makes me happy. But that's just today. Tomorrow.. or even a few hours from now, something else will make me happy :)



Anonymous said...

All of the above me make happy, too.

A lovely post. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too.

Carla said...

Philosophy of Life, There is much to be thankful for. I'm glad you enjoyed the photo.

Steffi, I feel like I'm repeating myself now, but I'm glad you liked the picture too. It's a tree in my parents yard. I was over there for Thanksgiving dinner.

Carla said...

Mone, We've been having a few perfect fall days. Another thing to add to my list.

Paris Parfait, Thanks for your Thanksgiving greeting.

Carla said...

JBelle, I'm glad it had that effect. We could all use something relaxing in our stressful lives.

Chani, I enjoy a good book too. And yes, I understand, different whims on different days. I'm like that too.

Carla said...

Anonymous, A happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Thanks for stopping by.

The Fool said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Nomad. Those are definitely things to be thankful for. May your life get their fill. As far as what makes me happy - well, I'm easy to please...as it seems there are so many things. Such a list would require a post...or two...or three...

Best to you.

Anonymous said...

As I was reading the list, I was thinking if there were pictures and music, it would be like one of those life videos shown at weddings and baby dedications. I think it is a wonderful list. Thanks for sharing such a warm post, and I love the photo.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Thank you for that list... it reminds me of my own list. We all need our own list of happythings.

Carla said...

Fool, except for the odd bump, or the occasional very large bump, my life is full. I am indeed blessed. And certainly such a topic could go on for numerous posts.

Dawn, It's great to think of our lists every now and again. I'm glad you liked the photo. It's such a great time of year for photography.

Carla said...

Sandi, I whole heartedly agree. What's on the top of yours?

Ed & Jeanne said...

Do you think dyslexic people might read "hot stone massages" as "hot massages stoned?"

Anonymous said...

It is so good to be aware of all the things that make you feel so good! Thanks for sharing.

Carla said...

VE, Perhaps they might, perhaps they might...and it might even make a few people happy.

Mark, Indeed it is. What makes you happy?

TK Kerouac said...

We must be soul sisters
ditto to all of those things except for Earl Grey tea
English breakfast for me

Oh and Cats,
lots of cats

cuddles, affection is way up there
my addiction
unfortunately, I don't always see the whole picture because of this

Carla said...

Tracey, English Breakfast works as well. And yes, of course, cats. But would probably trade it for cuddles and snuggles :-)

Pamela said...

your list is pretty inclusive.

snuggles and cuddles even!!!

Carla said...

Pamela, Snuggles and cuddles are pretty important. They are well above "even" on my list.

Bruce said...

Looking at the faces and hearing the voices of my wife and three daughters. And just about everything you listed. Simple pleasures are far too often unnoticed and underrated. Knowing that there are other people out there who can take time to appreciate them makes me happy too.
Nice blog, thanks.

Carla said...

Bruce, simple pleasures are usually the best. Yours sound lovely. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering why I didn't see my comment here because I was sure I commented and then I figured it out. I was Anonymous! Hee hee. Funny me.

Simon said...

Your list is great, Carla! I love Scrabble too, and many of the other items you mention.
I am intrigued by "eureka moments." It seems that so much and yet so little might fall under such a concept...

A very happy (though very belated) Canadian thanksgiving to you. :)

Anonymous said...

Your post made me happy because it reminded me how much beauty there is in this world and that there's always something for which to be grateful. Thank you.

Carla said...

Winters, eureka moments are great. If only I could schedule them to happen a little more often.

Bohemian Girl, And may you always remember those things which make you happy / grateful. Have a wonderful day.