Friday, August 17, 2007

Crossing Boarders

Finally…the plane lands. Now before I go on, I must let you know that the night before I left, I had only had about four hours sleep. Further, I’ve never done well at sleeping in moving vehicles. So in total, I had only had at most five hours of shut eye in about 48 hours. All this to say that I was probably a bit of a mess. It was in this state that I made my way through customs. I handed the young man at the booth my passport, opened to the picture. He took it. He looked at the picture, then at me, then back down at the picture. Still looking at my passport, he inquires, “so, where are you off to next?” Without thinking, I reply, “I’m kind of tired, I think I am just going to make my way downtown and then look for a hotel.” He and his colleague next to him immediately burst out into peels of laughter. They don’t even try to contain their giggles. He gives me a wide grin and then with smirk still on his face says, “So how long will you be staying in the country?” To which I reply, “Oh,” slight pause, “now I get it…this isn’t friendly chitchat to pass the time while you’re determining whether or not I really look like my passport photo. This is actually part of your job.” Then the second round of loud guffaws ensues. At this point, I am sure that he thinks that this is utterly hopeless. With a flick of the wrist and a smile, he waves me through and tells me to have a good time. And I could have sworn that I heard him say that the men in white jackets would be waiting for me down at the end of the hall.

Any guess where these photos were taken? If you’re not quite sure, don’t worry. More photos and proper hints are on their way.


Ed & Jeanne said...

Are you at Hogwarts???

Anonymous said...

I am guessing, China town in Vancouver. That is a pretty funny exchange at the border.

thailandchani said...

Have no idea where they were taken but I like them. :)



Cheryl said...

That's hilarious Carla. I have no idea where that building is, but I'm guessing you're back in Europe somewhere.

Debbie said...

I've got something for you over at my blog. :)

Variant e - LOLOL!!

Pink said...


I don't know - I just like that word.


Anonymous said...


By any chance?


Steffi said...

I have no idea where you at the moment but I guess you are maybe somewhere in Asia??

The Fool said...

Hi Nomad. Interesting bit of architecture on that dome...but I can't quite place it. The long flight and th lizard will venture a regional guess of S.E. Asia...but I'm going to have to pass on anything more exact. Send clues!

And enjoy to the utmost!

BurdockBoy said...

I'm thinking Eastern Europe, but I will wait for more clues.

I would have to guess Durmstrang before Hogwarts though.

Beccy said...

I'm totally clueless!

Carla said...

Variant E, Yep, working on those magic potions.

Dawn, That's a good one. It certainly does sometimes feel like crossing a boarder when venturing into China town.

Carla said...

Chani, Thanks! I do my best.

Cheryl, Care to guess where? I'm sure you can figure it out.

Carla said...

Debbie, Thanks so much. I'll get right on it as soon as I can get back on my own computer.

Pinks, I like that word too. Unfortunately that's not quite where I am this time.

Carla said...

Peter, I think I need to throw a few more clues into the mix. I'll come up with something soon.

Good guess, Steffi, but like I told Peter, I think I need to throw in a few more clues.

Carla said...

Fool, Having a lovely, lovely time. More clues will be on their way shortly.

Burdock boy, Hmm...clues are coming.

Beccy, Oh, come on. I love these wild guesses. Wouldn't people laugh if they found out I was sitting on my patio. But I'm not, seriously.

Pamela said...


those guys really got a kick out of you.

and so did I

Anonymous said...

Awaiting the clues - although the building does seem familiar - now where have I seen it???


tkkerouac said...

You just never know whats on the minds of the clerks in customs, its amazing what comes out of their mouths and of course, what they in turn hear from people, including your story.
I love it when they come across all cop like,
I usually talk back very calm and laid back and then ask turn it around and ask them what was the purpose of the question
catches them off guard and they become less "sargent like"

Carla said...

Pamela, You'll have to guess again. Yes, I certainly had those guys in stitches.

Peter, Look out the window. Ah, there it is ;-)

Carla said...

Tracey, Most never do. I'm just glad these ones for the most part were very good humoured. I like your idea of twisting the question back...although with some of them, I wouldn't want to try.

The Fool said...

Hi Nomad. I'm going to change my guess on locale to Europe...and say "Germany."

At least for now...


Carla said...

Fooly, Fooly, Fooly, now aren't we a clever one? Was wondering when you would check. But you must follow me and I want the city (ies). And I know...I haven't been good at posting clues, but it's rather tough when one isn't on one's own computer and can't upload.

jillie said...

WOW...that is one UGLY lizard! Must of been a bad bug...


Cheryl said...

If you tell me you're in Norway again, I'm going to cry. Are you in Oslo by any chance?

Carla said...

Jillie, Ha! That's a good one. Yep, they're never too pretty, are they?

Cheryl, Well, I certainly wouldn't want to make you cry. I better check my itinerary.

Anonymous said...

hmmm. Looks vaguely like the background on your profile picture. I have no clue where you are but it looks purdy and you've got me totally intrigued.

The Fool said...

Yeah, Nomad (shuffle feet, blinking coyly)...I peeked. Have fun!


Carla said...

Bohemiam Girl, Then you'll just have to check back. I will get around to doing a real post just as soon as I actually have a moment.

Fool, Fun, that I am having, indeedy. You still need to name the city. And yes, I know, I owe clues and all the rest.

Shelby said...

Oh I LOVE your blog - I'm guessing you are in Stockholm.

Am I right?! have fun!!!!!

Carla said...

Hi Shelby, Thanks! I'll stop by your blog when I get a moment. Not right on Stockholm, but feel free to guess again ;-)

Anonymous said...

Funny how your mind works or dosen't quite work when you are tired. Ha.

JBelle said...

yo yo YO! mmmmmmmmm.

:) I know....

Mone said...

Hi Carla, I'm back home, so if you are around here call me and we'll have a beer or two together :)

Carla said...

Mark, Yep...the synaptic gaps weren't quite firing as they should have that day.

JBelle, Good to see you back! Missed ya.

Carla said...

Mone, I leave Friday...that's tomorrow. But not to worry...I'll be back at some point and we'll have our beer or two.

Pink said...


you won a rockin' girl bloger over at mine...hope you're travels are going well

jillie said...

I have NO idea where this picture is from but I do hope you got some sleep!

Carla said...

Hi Pink, I'm back I'll get right over and check it out.

Jillie, Yes, I'm all caught up on the sleep now.

Carla said...

Tara, Many adventures, indeed. My life just seems to be like that.