I am sure that getting started on these sites must be the most difficult part of blogging. I haven't really established a blog yet. Do people just delve in, full speed ahead, 100%. Or do they kind of ease into it? I suppose there isn't really any right or wrong. I just kind of feel like there should be introductions or something. Well then, let's get started. If you don't know me, I'm Carla. I live in Nelson, British Columbia, one of the most beautiful little cities in North America. At some point I'm sure I'll get into what exactly makes Nelson so unique. I have lived in the "BIG city," but knew it just wasn't going to be a "forever" thing. Anyways, included here is a picture of Kootenay Lake. Lake, mountains, and clean air -- what more could you want?
Great photo, Carla. Where is it taken from?
Thanks! Between about 3 and 6 mile on the North shore.
I've been waiting patiently for a new post - where are you?!
Hope you're well!
I do appologize for the delay. Best intentions and then life got in the way. Actually, misplaced my cable to download my pictures, but have since found it. Been busy, but that should mean I have lots to blog about. I'll get back on it.
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