Friday, July 04, 2008

When Push Comes to Shove

It matters not how long one lives, but how.


philosophy within poetry said...

A philosophy with which I try to adhere.

thailandchani said...

Amen! I wish it hadn't taken me so long to understand that. :)

TK Kerouac said...

So true, its what we fill our lives with and who surrounds us, the journey, not the destination.

Fuser said...

Tell my about the "How" Carla. What is it that we are really talking about here?
Good night and good luck

Cate Subrosa said...

I couldn't agree more!

NYD said...

..and with whom.

Very nice photos. How fortunate to capture lightning.

Carla said...

Well, I can't believe I haven't replied to any of these comments yet. What is going on??? Sorry to all, will do so now.

Carla said...

Peter, I have no doubt that you do and I am sure that you do a very good job of it.

Chani, We all understand things when the time is right and the soil is fertile. The important thing is that you're now there and I'm sure you have learned many more things by taking the journey.

Carla said...

Tracey, Yes, we must be mindful of what it is that we allow into our lives. Sometimes that's a tough one.

Fede, Look deep within your own soul and you will find what you are looking for.

Carla said...

Guilty, I know that you are living this at the moment. You are an amazing example.

NYD, Yes, I really should have mentioned the "with whom." Thank you for bringing it up.

Ed & Jeanne said...

You mean it's not he who has the most stuff wins? Boy, I'm gonna be busy on Craigs List...

Carla said...

VE, I love Craig's list. Whatcha selling?

Maggie said...

That is what I need to keep reminding myself.

Carla said...

Maggie, Something we all need to keep reminding ourselves.

JBelle said...

heady thoughts on a hot summer day, Carla; what's going on up at the lake?

Carla said...

JBelle, I think that calls for post all to itself. And I was just thinking about putting another one out. Hope France was fabulous.

Steffi said...

It´s so true ....and nice ,Carla!

Carla said...

Steffi, Thanks.

Carla said...

Tara, With that said, there's nothing else to say.

Anonymous said...

How true. Some people who have short lives make the most impact. Still, I would rather opt for a longer life.

Carla said...

Dawn, Long or short, it's still how we live. Although I think many of us would prefer long lives, I also prefer quality over quantity. I want to be healthy all the way. So far, so good.