Wednesday, July 02, 2008


The day before last, nature gave us her own personal rendition of a symphony of fire. It had been a hot day with the mugginess mounting and reaching its peak by late afternoon. Then warm winds started rolling through the valleys with dark, ominous clouds dominating the skies, a sure sign that convection currents were at play.

Not long after, with darkened skies, the thunder started rolling and rumbling its way through the valley. It didn't take long for the storm to follow. I caught a couple pictures of the lightning striking the top of the mountain and in two instances flames and smoke roared up immediately. Luckily the rain seemed to be enough to quench the fires.

The choppers were flying about the next day scoping the area for any flames that still might be quietly smoldering, but we seem to be okay. It's still early in the season and we've had a cool and wet spring. Still, it all made for a good show and cooled off everything nicely.


Annie Wicking said...

What an amazing photographs you got!

Thank you for sharing them with us..

Best wishes


Fuser said...

Yes Carla, nice photo report. Sometimes we are in the right place at the right time.
Good night and good luck.

Carla said...

Annie, Not as amazing as the actual show, but they will have to do. Thanks.

Fede, Wouldn't have been the right place at the right time had the lightning come down on me and according to statistics, that's more likely to happen then winning the lottery.

Steffi said...

Wow...Carla,great photo´s again!You must have a good camera!And like Fede already said :Sometimes we are in the right place at the right time.

Carla said...

Steffi, Yes, I guess that this time I was (right place, right time and with my camera to prove it).

philosophy within poetry said...

Wow, you have captured beautifully nature and the elements. Although quite a scary prospect is the affect lightning has on your location.

We had a similar scene here yesterday evening, alas the lightning does not wait for my presenceof mind in finding a camera. Still the rain eased the humidity somewhat.

Carla said...

Peter, The rain has really helped with the heat here as well, although it doesn't usually get too humid except for right before a storm.

philosophy within poetry said...

It is rather another humid day here, although I think more rain is due this weekend.

I even have a tower fan blowing on my desk as I write - hence reluctance to leave the cool environment.

Jane Smith said...

The writing on your blog reminded me a little of Annie Dillard. Lovely. And the photos make me long to return to BC. Autumn on Vancouver Island was always a magical time for me. Thank you!


Carla said...

Peter, I understand the reluctance to leave the cool environment. I always tell everyone it must be my Nordic blood.

Jane, Thanks for stopping by and the compliments. Vancouver Island is always a bit of a magical place for me. A lovely place to be.

philosophy within poetry said...

Hey Carla, if you would like to continue reading my blog

Please drop me your email address, so that I can include you on my readers list - in order that you can access my blog.

Send to:

Many thanks


Carla said...

Tara, Actually fires within moderation keep our forests healthy. There are certain trees who's cones won't germinate except in a fire. There is also less of a risk of big fires with a few ones like this as they clean out the dry dead wood that puts the whole fire at risk. This is especially important these days with the pine beetle infestation. It's all part of a cycle. Of course I would be devastated to see it get out of control, but the small ones actually do a lot of good.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. I like the lightening ones. We have had a cool wet spring and summer here also. And yet...I keep hearing it is suppose to be a long hot summer. So far we had one hot week.

Carla said...

Dawn, I'm not complaining about the weather in the least. At least it's comfortable to sleep at night. Not to hot, not too cold.