Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What Killed Die Katze

Curiosity becomes a heavy, heavy load, too heavy to hold, too heavy to hold. Do you really want to know? How much can you bear? Do you really want to know? How will you use what you find out? It will eventually all spill out. Curiosity becomes a heavy, heavy load.


Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I recognize that castle...
but now I am curious!

Annie Wicking said...

Wow, I now have a heavy load..lol.
I want to know much more now.

Best wishes


The Fool said...

...and satisfaction brought him back. Those damn cats always land on their feet. And then there is Schrodinger's cat...did he ever exist at all? Beautiful castle...and a nice bit of mystique, Nomad. Have a great weekend.

Carla said...

Sandi, Then you know that the castle is called die Katze, or does that sate your curiosity?

Annie, Hopefully not too heavy. Keep is light. And I personally think a bit of curiosity is a good thing. Of course it all depends on what we're wanting to know.

Carla said...

Hey Fool, Hope life is treating you well. The castle is called die Katze and the Maus is just around the bend from it. As for mystique, it's all around.

JBelle said...

What a shot! Where were you standing to get that wide angle on it?

Steffi said...

The picture of the castle looks good!But now I am curious and what to know more...

Carla said...

JBelle, Yes it's true, there was a little bit of a hike to get to where I took the shot. The castle is on a hillside and I was way at the top...there was a bit of a look out where I was supposed to be able to see both the cat and the mouse, but the mouse was hiding.

Carla said...

Steffi, My secrets or the castle's secrets? The castle is located on the Rhine.

Envoy-ette said...

Curious..YES?! The name, the history..what does it all mean!! LOL!

Pamela said...

If you say DIE Katze enough -- I guess words will kill??

TK Kerouac said...

And whats life without Curiousity???

Carla said...

Envoy-ette, Mystery / history yes. That castle is called "the cat" and just around the corner is another called "the mouse." Not quite sure what it all means.

Pamela, you are just so clever. I can't say that it didn't cross my mind. And I love plays on words.

Carla said...

Tracey, Indeed. Bring on the curiosity, but sate me at least some of the time.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo and the cryptic message. Fortunately for me, I am so wrapped up in day to day stuff, the load of curiosity is like water off a duck's back.

Carla said...

Dawn, Sometimes it is better to not know. A lot less stress.