Thursday, January 17, 2008

Breach of Reality

I could be anywhere. My mind flits from my "to do" list when I get back home to an altered plane of reality in a variety of different locations. But the reality is that I am sitting in a black Mercedes heading north towards Köln at 180 km/hr. We're in the fast lane. My surroundings whir past me similar to my brain's present mode of processing. Everything outside of the vehicle is in muted tones of brown, grey and white. Winter does interesting things to the landscape. I feel like I am passing through a black and white film with selected objects tinted in sepia. It all adds to the surrealism of the situation. The radio is turned on playing mainly 80's pop songs which carries me back to my high school days. I see peoples faces, remember situations,'s all in there somewhere. Man, it's been a long time. I don't even know if I know their names anymore. Occasionally the music stops and a news clip is interjected. I catch a word here and there but realize that I am presently oblivious to the happenings in the world. And does it really matter anyway? "Charlie get down. Charlie get down." Have I heard that one before? I'm not so sure. Every so often they throw in one I don't know. Even now as I sit here, it all feels like a dream, I can just imagine that it will only feel more so later.


Cheryl said...

I hope you're having a great time, Carla, but I do wish you would slow down (180 km/hr??)!!!

Carla said...

Cheryl, Had a great time. The whole trip wasn't that fast, don't worry. But some cars, more than others, were made for speed. But yep, crazy.

Carla said...

Tara, Had a wonderful time, but yes, sometimes travel is a little disorienting.

The Fool said...

Very nice writing, Nomad. You capture many of the nuances of travel...the ever-present frames of "home" (the to do list)...the surrealism of displacement...the loss of connection with what passes for " the realization that the dream will only seem more dream-like upon return. Excellent. This piece unfolds in a very nice fashion. Happy trails.

Carla said...

Fool, Thanks for your flattering critique. What bangs around inside the head must eventually come out. My trails are now around the home front, but it's nice to reflect back.

Anonymous said...

I was in Dusseldorf - briefly after flying in from Munich and then a few hours sleep and a race to the airport for a flight to Geneva..

Those Mercedes can move - never got the chance to light my pipe .....

May your journey of discovery - allow a more scenic enjoyment with a slower pace enhanced by the music...

Carla said...

Peter, I don't imagine there would have been time to light the pipe with the itinerary you just described. I hope your next trip is a little more relaxed.

Anonymous said...

I think the past usually feels like a dream, the farther back, the less we remember of the details, only recalling the emotions of the time and the odd scene as if a photo in the mind. If it is that we were in a different place, it is more so this way, as we don't have the present as a constant reminder of yesterday.

Carla said...

Dawn, Interesting observations. I always find it interesting to see what different people remember about the same event. We all pick up different things.

Anonymous said...

Alas - after my illness - I thought my next trip would be to the Kirkyard.

Although I think I shall refrain a wee while longer...

Steffi said...

Carla,you are now in Germany!!!!????Have a wonderful time (I live in Hamburg...)!

Carla said...

Peter, Oh my. I certainly do hope you refrain a bit longer. You best be listening to that doctor of yours.

Steffi, I was there in December. It was lovely. But I will definitely return at some point and I'll be sure to visit your beautiful city. You'll have to tell me what I should see.

Anonymous said...

Glad you HAD a great time there. I would love to travel the Autobahn one day...but I want to be driving :-)

The unfortunate thing about travelling is the let down of the dream you were experiencing. But, it also gives you hope for the next big trip.

Carla said...

Sirdar, The autobahn isn't exactly as exciting as people think. Yep, there are moments and places where you can drive extremely fast, but most the time, it's not that much more. The part I was on was no more than three lanes. Very manageable.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I am so glad to see that you are posting this.
I've been to the Rhine before... but not in a speeding mercedes from the comfort of my laptop. Thanks for taking me along.

Carla said...

Sandi, Thanks so much in joining me on this ride. It's quite an experience, isn't it?